Who doesn’t love a good sports metaphor? While searching for one to apply to the Destine-for-utter-failure Donald Trump campaign, the Washington Generals might jump to mind, but there’s a better one: John Spanos and the New York Islanders. Basically, a fraudster exaggerated his net worth by 2,500%, wrote some bad checks, played the media, and took control of a professional sports franchise.
Just like 2016 the story of John Spanos and the Islanders features:
A once proud franchise (party) that lost it’s way. An angry fan base (electorate) eager to believe. A carpetbagging fraudster claiming to be worth more than he actually was worth (Trump). Grand promises that never had a chance (wall/mass deportation) A media and NHL (political) establishment that failed to vet and sensationalized Spanos (Trump) as a savior. Unchecked tax returns. Blatant Lies A disastrous end.Long time Islander fan and actor/filmmaker Kevin Connolly made a film about the saga it’s worth watching.
x YouTube VideoAnd the Illusion becomes reality: www.dailykos.com/...
Anyone who believes Trump is worth 10 Billion dollars I got an NHL franchise to sell you…. cheap…. coincidentally there's a Bridge near their new arena I got rights on too.
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