Hillary's Current Heading
Saw this recent Politico report headlined"Wall Street fears leftward swerve by Hillary Clinton" Quite frankly this article is BS... Part of the political Kabuki theater that is our plutocratic rule....
View ArticleTrump's attendance problem
After much promoting and creating a false sense of scarcity the giant Trump rally turned out to be not so much. In the days leading up to this the Corporate media was bending over backwards to get...
View ArticleYou F*cking Coward
A beautiful African spirit snuffed out for what? So you could feel like a big man? So you could laugh about it with your douche bag friends? Regardless of the legality of what you did or who pulled...
View ArticleConventional Wisdom
DNC Conventional Wisdom July 2007: "Nobody's gonna vote for a black guy named Barrack Hussein Obama. For Christ sake we just overthrew a guy named Hussein in Iraq. Plus he's a socialist with ties...
View ArticleQuiet Dignity in the Face of Racism
My heart breaks this Marissa Johnson girl, who apparently has been so wronged and ginned up on hatred for white people that she'll unleash such vitriol at a man who marched with King. A man who got...
View ArticleIf you share one picture today...
Out of respect for all that is happening in Ferguson MO over the last 48 hours, and in solidarity with #blacklivesmatter I am changing this diary . If there is one image to share today it is this:...
View ArticleNow, I'm Not a Journalist...
but it strikes me that, in sane world, the leading GOP candidate being provably delusional would be a news story. More below the what-cha-ma-call-it
View ArticleStraight from Cruella deCoulter
Submitted without commenthttps://www.youtube.com/...Full interview here if you want to wade though Fox News BS: http://www.foxbusiness.com/...
View ArticleMcCaskill: Bernie wants all Americans to make the same
Conflating Democratic Socialism with Authoritarian Communism has become the favorite pastime of Claire McCaskill since becoming an official Clinton surrogate. Skip to 5:45 of this gem of an...
View ArticleThe Biggest Scandal in US History That We're Still Not Talking About
The above is roughly what 8.5 Trillion dollars would look like... and those are $100 bills. Take another look and let that sink in for a bit... I find it absolutely astonishing that the pentagon...
View ArticleBernie: I'll Introduce Bill Prohibiting For-Profit Prisons.
Another Tremendous rally in NV last night! ( If Trump can claim he had 20k in that Ballroom in AZ I'm gonna say this is 190,000 people ) Once again to a largely non-African American crowd, and with...
View ArticleKosacks: Some kids need your help.
(Pictured above:Youth from the Ali Forney LGBT homeless shelter in New York work on their film "Skin Deep"") Join me below the fold for a way YOU can help some kids who deserve much better than their...
View Article40,000 People, Free Beer, A Bald Eagle... oh and Donald Trump
Donald Trump is holding a rally in Mobile Alabamaand is expecting 40,000 people to show up. That is not a joke. He's delusional enough to think 40,000 people will show up. I signed up for ticket...
View ArticleMinority Women in Film
(Pictured above:Youth from the Covenant House homeless shelter in New York work on their film "No One Is Listening"") Some statistics about Women in Film : - In 2015, 113 "major" motion pictures will...
View ArticlePredictable Corp Media Coverage of #TrumpAstroTurf
Yup... #TrumpInAl Delayed hour while they try to round up 30,000 people w/ promise of free beer #FeelTheBern#TrumpAstroTurfpic.twitter.com/SRq3TYHFCU— Michael Tosner (@MichaelTosner) August 21,...
View ArticleDeez Nuts Feel The Bern! (not a jock itch diary)
http://thehill.com/... Independent presidential candidate Deez Nuts announced he is supporting Sanders’ bid for the Democratic nomination. http://www.thedailybeast.com/...
View ArticleThe Truth About Crowd Totals & America
There is a poignant truth in the Trump 30k Crowd estimate from Friday and it parroting by the corporate media. That truth is this: In America, rich assholes get to makeup whatever numbers or reality...
View ArticlePunditry Flashback 2007
Once again the establishment media and traditional pollsters will declare Hillary the victor while Bernie wins over actual voters. http://www.dailykos.com/...Seems they've learned nothing....
View Article"Enough with the he's Muslim!"
.... is something you never heard from HRC in 2007-2008. Additionally this could be titled "Enough with the Reverend Wright!"https://www.youtube.com/...And this is the difference between someone of...
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